David Hasselhoff took a stab at welsh people saying they're all hobbits; Next week on "80's American hasbeens with acid damage fucking with the welsh for no apparent reason" B.A Baracus says Gavin and Stacie is whack, while Tom Sellick throws a Catatonia cd out his car window
A make-up company called "Hard Candy" is suing Madona for stealing their name for her new brand of work-out DVD's; I don't see why either want to name their company after a movie about child abuse, this is like a postal fim and a private midwife arguing over who calls their company "Deliverence"
A 4 year old boy was rushed into hospital yesterday after finding his parents drug stash and taking an ecstasy pill; the alarm was raised when the boy was found dancing to the Hoover and telling his pet hamster how much he fucking loved it.
According to a study husbands who make less money than their wives have better sex lives; this is because it's easier to cheat when your wife is always at work
A man spent £2k buying packets of stickers in order to complete his FIFA 14 World Cup sticker album; it's safe to assume the bloke was ginger, judging by the fact he had a ton of swapsies but no friends to trade with.
Something about Justin Bieber making a cunt of himself....